The Cable: Insights for International Americans

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By London & Capital
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update November 2022

November was a positive month for financial markets with global equities as measured by the MSCI World rising 6.8%. Better than expected inflation data was the key driver as financial markets anticipated a potentially slower pace of monetary tightening. While inflation softened, third quarter company earnings presented a mixed outlook and the US midterm election […]

By Tahir Mahmood, Ed Johnson and John Sneddon
Tax Planning, US Expat resources

Autumn statement: implications for US taxpayers in the UK

By Greg Oldfield and Tahir Mahmood
US Expat resources

Selling Property: Currency & Mortgage Considerations

By Joshua Moss, Ed Johnson & Laura Harper
US Expat resources

The Roadmap Part 5: US/UK Estate Planning

By Tahir Mahmood
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update October 2022

By London & Capital
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update September 2022

By Tahir Mahmood
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update August 2022

By Joshua Moss & Tahir Mahmood
US Expat resources

The Roadmap Part 4c: currency and the fund problem

By Oliver Burton of Blick Rothenberg, together with Tahir Mahmood and Todd Cowan of London & Capital
US Expat resources

US expatriation part 3: planning opportunities

By Oliver Burton of Blick Rothenberg, together with Tahir Mahmood and Todd Cowan of London & Capital
Tax Planning, US Expat resources

US expatriation part 2: the process and the exit tax

By Oliver Burton of Blick Rothenberg, together with Tahir Mahmood and Todd Cowan of London & Capital
US Expat resources

US expatriation part 1: considerations and planning opportunities

By Tahir Mahmood
US Expat resources

Compounding investment returns

By Joshua Moss & Tahir Mahmood
US Expat resources

The Roadmap Part 4B: Maintaining an investment strategy

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