On Thursday 21st May London and Capital hosted a webinar with Mackrell.Solicitors around the personal impact of selling your business. We spoke through the current environment, the things you need to consider and some of the issues that can arise when navigating this defining moment in your life.
- A global macro update in light of COVID-19 – Ashok Shah (Investment Director), London & Capital
- Heading off the impact of shareholder disagreements, getting a head start on due diligence and keeping the process confidential – Guvvy Sandhu (Corporate Solicitor) and Robert Watson (Corporate Associate Solicitor), Mackrell.Solicitors
- Strategic wealth management, what does pre-exit planning mean and why is it important? – Dan Sawyerr (Director) and Mayur Lakhani (Executive Director), London & Capital
Please find a recording of the webinar above
Whether you have a question or would like to start a conversation about your wealth management requirements, we would be happy to speak with you. Get in touch with London & Capital via our contact form or give us a call on +44 (0) 207 396 3388. To receive more related content subscribe here.