Latest Market Updates and Analysis

By Investment Desk
Articles, Market Updates

Consumer Outlook and Inflation Projections in the US Economy

First of all, we look at what would shift a soft-landing in the US into a recession, the consumer remains pivotal in this debate, but the picture is mixed across major economies. The risk of a consumer contraction is most likely in Europe, UK and Canada. Japan also seems to be slowing but no contraction […]

By Investment Desk
Articles, Market Updates

“Higher for longer”: A warning or the new reality?

By London & Capital
Market Updates, US Expat resources

September 2023 Monthly Market Commentary

By Tahir Mahmood
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update August 2023

By London & Capital
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update July 2023

By Tahir Mahmood
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update June 2023

By Investment Desk
Market Updates


By Pau Morilla Giner
Market Updates

Note from the CIO 15.06.2023

By London & Capital
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update May 2023

By Tahir Mahmood
Market Updates, US Expat resources

US Market Update April 2023