Captive Insurance

Our ultimate objective is to help Captive Insurance Companies meet their overall business needs not just from an investment perspective but from a holistic balance sheet point of view. What truly sets us apart is the additional value added services we provide; all with the intention of making operations of the Captive more efficient.


Executive Director


We work to create individual investment portfolios structured around the specific needs of each captive. Portfolios are structured and actively managed to prioritise sufficient claims cash flow and protect the value of the captive’s assets. We manage over US$3.6bn of assets* for captive insurers globally. More than ever, captive insurers need objective advice on the right investment allocation for their portfolios.

With our adviser-led asset management approach, we give advice that is in the best interests of our clients. Our multi-asset offering has the same fee regardless of the asset class invested in.

Smaller insurers tend to fall below the radar of larger asset managers and consultants who often do not have the focus or resources to deal with them. Our segregated portfolios are designed around the needs of cell captives and reinsurance companies giving smaller captives the chance to benefit from the same investment philosophy and expertise available to larger captives. Our minimum investment for this service is $250,000/€200,000.

*as at 31st December 2024


of assets managed for insurance clients globally


minimum investment for this service

Contact Us

Secure an appointment for an opening conversation with one of the London & Capital team.

You’ll discuss your unique financial situation so we can match you with the best in-house expert for you.

Kindly note that our services are best suited to individuals with over £1m to invest.